I was originally licensed as KA3BZC, upgraded and got a new call N3AWL. Upgraded again and got KB3SH. Went out for Extra and
got a new call, KG3M. I'm happy with that call and I think I'll keep it. I've been a ham since 1978.
I'm active on DSTAR ref30C, CW and RTTY and HF mostly 75 mtrs. I've worked all states mostly QRP, with a CW endorsement.
I'm a FIST member and my number is 12410 . I've worked DXCC, WAS and WAC.
I was a member of the United States Marine Corps 1958 - 1968 Went through 13 weeks of boot camp at Paris Island S.C. Took
advanced Infantry training at Camp Geiger in Jacksonville, N.C. After that I was assigned to the 6th Marine regiment 2nd Marine
Division at Camp Lejeune, in Jacksonville, NC.
Transferred to Oahu, Hawaii in 1959. I was there when they made it our 50th state. I Stayed there until 1961. I then Transferred
to the Brunswick Navel Air Station in Brunswick, Maine. Stayed there until my discharge from active duty in 1962.
I signed up for an additional 6 years in the Marine Corp Reserve unit in Baltimore Md.
I got my license in Baltimore, Maryland and lived there till 2000 when I retired from International Paper co in Odenton,
Maryland with 39 years service. I'm now in Bronson, Florida a little town south of Jacksonville and north of Orlando. The
closest town is Gainesville.
My HF gear here is a Icom 7300 and a Backup Icom 756 pro3, My Amp is a Heatkit SB-1000, My antenna is a Offset Windom
6-80 Meters. My 2 mtr gear is an Icom 706MKIIG, Check out some of my shack ham photos.
I just acquired a new QRP rig, A TenTec R-4020 it seems to be a very nice little rig. I highly recommend it.
There were three hams who were instrumental in getting me started into Hamming, W3DTN, W3IQK, and K3KHG I want to thank
them for all their help and patience. W3IQK is a silent key now but was a real great HAM in the old days. Many a fine story
he would tell about the old days in Ham Radio.
73, Don Sykes (KG3M) kg3m@arrl.net