Learn To Be A Skywarn Storm Spotter
Severe weather is a fact of life in Florida and Alachua County is looking for a few good volunteers. The
mission of the National Weather Service and local Emergency Management is to protect lives and property during severe weather
Even with advancements in technology, such as Doppler radar, government officials still must rely on a
network of trained volunteers to become their eyes and ears on the ground to provide better weather watch and warning services.
You can be the one to make a difference and be an asset to your community.
Alachua County Emergency Management,
in cooperation with the National Weather Service Jacksonville, will be sponsoring a Basic and Advanced SKYWARN Storm Spotter
class on Tuesday, March 4th, 2008, from 6 PM until 8:30 PM. The class will be held at Room 286 in the Reitz Union on the campus
of the University of Florida. For more information or to register, email Alachua County Emergency at acem@alachuacounty.us <mailto:acem%40alachuacounty.us> or call 352.264.6500.
Info thanks to Bill Hindenlang, NY2FL